happy september 11th...
i hate being angry/upset/disappointed/sad. the only way to cure me is for me to like just eat. and eat. and eat and eat. and eat and eat and eat k you get the picture and omfg i can't afford to eat like that... ok shit i sound like those stereotypes who whines about the burger they just ate and how they're gonna gain like 10 pounds. -.- honestly... they either have no brain cells or they're just overwhelmed with guilt and can't think properly. you can't fucking gain 10 pounds from a burger, even if it was like a carls jr one or whatever. kk getting a lil side tracked here. the point is! i don't freaking train anymore. and i'm way too lazy to go to the gym. and and i ditched my running-around-the-lrt-track agenda alr. don't ask why. has something to do with reaching home, throwing myself on the bed and sleeping till the evening and that's when i'll wake up and watch tv and decide that i'll run tomorrow. but the 'tomorrow' never comes...
oh yeah. i went for some lunch/dinner thing with my family at Cjade express the other day. food sucks. service sucks even more. k wait. they service sucks like hellllllll. the price is on par with the cjkitchen but yet the food at the express outlet is so much worse. piece of advice? don't patron Cjade express. i hope they close down soon...
on a lighter note, i went to eat some kolo mee thing at chinatown yesterday. with bf. wahahaha he couldn't stand the place. although he tells me its fine i can see it in your eyes man hahahahha! cos its missing the most impt factor an eatery should have :P. so anyway! i ate the prawn+wanton+abalone thing omfg it was daaamn good i tell ya! bf claims its like paying $8.90 ($3.90 without the extra ingredients) for a bowl of maggimee... k don't listen to him. do check it out if you're in chinatown for whatever damn reason yeah. its very near the mrt. store name is..erm.. OMG I DUNNO ok hahaha but its from kuching, sarawak. yes its written on the signboard.
OK I HAVE NO PICTURES :'( when i went to eat all these i was too lazy to bring the cam along.
oh and before i forget,
snoogle wants me to say hi to you! :D (you'd better say hi back k :( later he cry i won't know what to do)
oh yeah i just made chocolate fondue just now when i was feeling damn irritated. don't ask why. k its not really fondue i just melted some chocs from switzeland and added water to make it more runny :l and i found bananas and so i dipped it into the chocolate and hahahahahah ok lets just say i was considerably happier after that :D bf says he's gonna take me to eat chocolate fondue someday but that day hasn't arrived. apparently. eh i tell you all something ok.
i have never eaten chocolate fondue before. and that was my first somewhat-like-a-chocolate-fondue session ever. i know i'm a loser ok :( don't have to rub it in my face adam hahahahak shit i just realised almost my entire blogpost is about food... that evil thing. HAHAH I REALLY SOUND LIKE A STEREOTYPE
k what else. oh yeah. i just did the bestest thing today. i thought there were still lessons after our science practical so i packed my entire day's timetable into my bag, when actually all we had to bring was like our pencilcase... clever clever bernie.
kept singing the rolly polly olly song yesterday. bf made up his own but its too mean :( i don't wanna say :(
eh wait! i DO have pictures. show ya all something.
blogger sucks. pictures wouldn't get uploaded. k i'll use photobucket.

I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS DRINK HAHAHAHAHAHA. been drinking it since i was young. look at that face bwahahahahhaha ok nvm. :(
k anyway i have alot more pictures. eg, stuff i bought when i was away in malaysia. there's this freaking rad ear studs i bought which are like prisms! yeah you see a different colour each time you tilt it its damn cool.... eugh!
but i'll upload them another day. gtg bathe then maybe start on my revision. nationals have ended almost 6 months ago :( and o levels are only slightly over two months away. :( i hate to say this, but i'm scared. really freaking scared and oh shit i MUST bathe now and study afterwards. :'(
before i go...

i think my baby is damn sweet. haha 7 months this thursday. love ya!