you keep breaking dates with me. today's date break. tomorrow's date also break. if you're gonna say something like you can only spend a few hours with me on sunday, i'm going to be very very angry, upset and pissed although i most probably won't show it.
diet's not working. at all. if this keeps up, maybe i'll sink into depression and THEN lose weight like last time. excellent.
i skipped a lecture today. I'M SORRY :'( i won't skip anymore lectures. i was too caught up with deciding whether to eat chicken rice or noodles. i was really really happy while and after eating though. and beam (yes it's a name! :D) was like omg we shouldn't have let you eat.... (i ate chicken rice in the end hehe) :( cos i kept munching my food and nodding happily and beaming at my og. yes we still hang out with each other up till now. and our ogls pop by every now and then hehe yay.
there's this pretz thingy selling in the sch canteen and the flavour is called Larb. larb... right. -.- and and and the picture on the box looked like fried rice hahahahahhaha and so i was like maybe larb is fried rice and everyone gave me the -.- face. ok nvm :( apparently, larb tastes like crap. yeah.
have a break, have a larb. HAHAHAA I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING OVER THIS CATCHLINE ok not funny :(
mass dance tomorrow again. I HAVE NO PARTNER! cries.
height and weight tomorrow. I HAVEN'T LOST ANY DAMN WEIGHT! cries.
might be going back for training after all. we'll see.
diet's not working. at all. if this keeps up, maybe i'll sink into depression and THEN lose weight like last time. excellent.
i skipped a lecture today. I'M SORRY :'( i won't skip anymore lectures. i was too caught up with deciding whether to eat chicken rice or noodles. i was really really happy while and after eating though. and beam (yes it's a name! :D) was like omg we shouldn't have let you eat.... (i ate chicken rice in the end hehe) :( cos i kept munching my food and nodding happily and beaming at my og. yes we still hang out with each other up till now. and our ogls pop by every now and then hehe yay.
there's this pretz thingy selling in the sch canteen and the flavour is called Larb. larb... right. -.- and and and the picture on the box looked like fried rice hahahahahhaha and so i was like maybe larb is fried rice and everyone gave me the -.- face. ok nvm :( apparently, larb tastes like crap. yeah.
have a break, have a larb. HAHAHAA I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING OVER THIS CATCHLINE ok not funny :(
mass dance tomorrow again. I HAVE NO PARTNER! cries.
height and weight tomorrow. I HAVEN'T LOST ANY DAMN WEIGHT! cries.
might be going back for training after all. we'll see.
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