you know what mc said about this picture? he said i look like a pokemon. lickitung. we dunno how to spell it but its pronounced that way. i cried. hahahahahahaha just kidding I DON'T LOOK LIKE LICKITUNG OR LICKYTUNG HOWEVER YOU SPELL IT :( i don't. i don't right... hahaha anyway this was during econs tutorial. my teacher's only twenty years old hahahahahahaha!!!

hi suyee hahahaahha EH CLAUD I'M WEARING YOUR PE SHIRT!!!! :D :D

hahahha beam -.- we were all coincidentally waiting for our training to start hahahaha aiya shit beam's head blocking the chicken rice stall hahahahaha i tell you the chicken rice there is DAMN GOOOOOD!! baby i bring you to my school to eat the chicken rice some day okaaay. please. crash my school someday :( pleaseeeee :(

during civics tutorial HAHA btw the middle guy is suppose to be showing three but everyone's saying it's six which is true but i don't care its three and i look retarded in the first picture ah :(
EH I SHOW YOU MY BF'S MSN DP HAAHAHAHHA ITS DAMN COOL (pls don't steal it ok wait he angry)

yay haha i love baby although he made me wait outside his house for three hours today and his mom saw me and this fucked up neighbour from upstairs (i bet it was that old arrogant man who wouldn't lend me his phone well fuck you to hell) complained to the securities about me 'loitering' around the block and the fuck faced security guard came to get me he was sooo unfriendly when i went over the the guard post earlier on to borrow their phone (don't ask me why my phone wasn't with me. long story). and then i asked for baby's home phone number, pointing the block out and all telling him which unit it is but he still act as if he doesn't know what i'm talking about acted like some dumb shit ok maybe he wasn't acting maybe he IS a dumb shit fuck face and ok i should stop swearing wait my baby scold me then i cry and cut myself again boohoo bye
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