Thursday, March 01, 2007

Day 15

Haven't seen you for two weeks already. Baby, I miss you so much you stupid Australian-Chinese IB Boy. (How ironic. The words stupid and IB, that is.)

I finally learned how to set up a haloscan. HAHA. K I'm pretty slow aren't I. Anyway, I accidentally clicked on some button on the template page and it reverted back to my previous template. Oh well I don't really care. Don't intend on changing it back. The links side look a little bare I know but its such a pity that so many of my friends (AKA ADAM) don't update their blogs anymore. Tag please it look really pathetic with 0 comments hahaha.

Slept at 6am last night. There's something seriously wrong with my body clock (as you can see from the timing of this post as well). Woke up at 10am as I had to meet Coach Liu at TP (he was going to try and help me get into the course as he's the new volleyball coach for TP). Cabbed down as always as I really don't fancy the walk from the entrance to the sportshall. Turned out it was a wasted trip as he did not know I had already spoken to the teacher-in-charge. False hopes -.- (And money wasted on the cab fare. AND MY SLEEP!) The teacher told me the same old stuff like he's trying his best, he'd love to have me in the team etc etc I don't really want to carry on.

Coach Liu was really apologetic ha don't really blame him I didn't clarify with him. He drove me to town as he was on his way to CCAB. Cheryl was late late late late! Never trust Cheryl when she says she's reaching. Her near = five hundred kilometers away :(

Had subway at Far East. MMM cold cut trio + lettuce + onions + cheese + sweet onion sauce + mayo before heading to lido to check the movie timings. It was one-thirty at that time and we bought tickets for a two-thirty show (Norbit). And Cheryl was like "Yay we can go in now!" :l :l :l sigh. Bimbos.

Anyway, Norbit was pretty okay to me, despite my friends negative critics. Or maybe it's just because the movie I watched before it was Epic Movie. Haha do the math see if you know what I mean.

Shopped around wisma while waiting for our movie to start and after our movie but I didn't see anything I REALLY wanted. :( I need a wardrobe-makeover.

I took TWO HOURS to get home from town. Don't ask why. Zzz.

Gotta stop munching on snacks. Late nights make me hungry :( I just finished wiping off a packet of seaweed, a mug of coke, mini-oreos (!), an egg tart. Drinking orange juice now. Wanna go cook noodles. HAHA. I'm really not the least bit sleepy.

And I miss MC...(please refer to the first line of this post) :(.


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